Previous Global Education Trips

Costa Rica: March 2019 (Spring Break)

After a successful 2017 program, Solebury School was excited to once again offer a Spanish language immersion and service-learning trip to Costa Rica during the first week of spring break.

We continued our partnership with the non-profit organization Abriendo Mentes ("Opening Minds") in Playa Potrero, a small coastal village of 500 residents in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica. Abriendo Mentes' mission is to empower community members through youth and adult programs that teach English, computer skills, and fitness.

During their visit, Solebury School students stayed with host families, worked on a community project, took Spanish classes, and volunteered with students at Abriendo Mentes. We also traveled around the Guanacaste region to zip-line, hike, kayak, paddle board, snorkel, and visit beaches.

Read more from teacher / chaperone Angelo Coclanis, and check out photos, from the trip here.


Food In France: Spring Break 2018

Solebury School partnered with AtlasWorkshops for an exciting trip to France! The trip’s themes of food, sustainability and French culture and history helped students answer the question, “How can France’s food system change how we eat?”

As students traveled to Annecy, Lyon and the south of France, they focused on the connection that French people have to food, how this is changing over time, and how this can inspire new relationships with food back home.


Architecture & Design in Italy: Spring break 2018

This unique trip focused on architectural components of Italy's rich history. Students explored this beautiful country to answer questions on architectural integrity, design, use of space, and structural functionality. As a sub-concentration, class systems and use of space for modern times were highlighted.

Along the way, students sampled Italy's famous cuisine and took in classic works of art.

Many students of Dr. Jen Perez's winter elective, Architecture & Design, took part in the trip.



Shakespeare in the summer! For more than 60 years, this internationally recognized theater festival has taken place in Stratford, Ontario.

Students traveled to Niagara Falls, spent two days at the Stratford Festival, and toured the bustling city of Toronto.

While at the festival, our group attended matinees, enjoyed a backstage tour of the costume and props warehouse, and attended pre-show talks!



costa rica Spanish Language Immersion and Service Trip: Spring Break 2017

Solebury School partnered with the non-profit organization Abriendo Mentes in Potrero, a small village in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica. Abriendo Mentes' mission is to empower community members through youth and adult programs that teach English, computers and fitness. Solebury School students stayed with local host families and worked with Abriendo Mentes students, as well as toured the area, flexed their Spanish skills, learned to surf, and much more. It was an incredible experience. In a newsletter, Abriendo Mentes' Director Rachael Sine mentioned our trip as one of their March 2017 highlights: "...a group of students from Solebury School in the US visited Abriendo Mentes for a week, the first group of the kind to do so." Read more about our students' trip here.

"One of my favorite experiences was going to Costa Rica with the school. Having to speak Spanish and immerse myself in the culture was beautiful. I loved it and made a really strong connection with my host family." —SASHA, '19, about the 2017 trip

Paris Eiffel Tower - Solebury School

France: Spring Break 2016

Paris Eiffel Tower - Solebury School

Photo by Rishabh Kancherla '19

During spring break 2016, Solebury students journeyed to France for a celebration of the art, food, and history of France. Our trip began with three days in Paris, exploring the great museums and monuments before boarding the TGV (high-speed rail) to spend the rest of our time in the southern regions of Provence and the Cote d'Azur. It was an unforgettable journey, with visits to the beautiful cities of Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, Cannes, Saint-Paul-de-Vence and Nice, as well as a stop in the Principality of Monaco. This trip was open to all students in grades 9-12, with preference given to students currently enrolled in a French course.



Germany Exchange: Spring Break 2015

Hamburg Germany - Solebury School

In spring 2015, Solebury School students participated in an exchange with students from Helmuth Hubener School (Stadtteilschule Helmuth Hubener) in Hamburg, Germany. We traveled to Hamburg and stayed with German families during spring break and/or hosted a German student in April. While in Hamburg, Solebury School students attended classes with their German exchange students, took an excursion to the Baltic Sea, visited Berlin and Lübeck, and explored Hamburg on a boat tour and walking tour!


Nicaragua Spanish Language IMmersion and Service Trip: Spring Break 2014

Nicaragua Trip - solebury SchoolSolebury's nine-day trip to Nicaragua offered students an intense immersion experience in Spanish language and Nicaraguan culture, along with meaningful community service work. Students worked with the Spanish language school and community outreach center, La Mariposa, and stayed in the neighborhood of San Caralampio. La Mariposa is located in the pueblo of La Concepción.

Students also spent a day at El Nisperal, an organic coffee plantation and research center. While there, students were able to take part in the harvest.




French Exchange: Spring Break 2014

In March 2014, two Solebury School French teachers and their students toured France. They began with a weekend exploring Paris, then took the train to Toulouse, then on to the Campus Saint Christophe school in Masseube. They attended classes and participated in activities on campus, and had the chance to explore some of the local sites, including the beautiful Basque countryside and the Pyrenees. In November 2013, Solebury School hosted 14 St. Christophe students and their teachers.

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